Findlay Masonic Bodies |
Greetings Companions!
Believe it or not, we are getting closer to the end of our Cryptic Year. Hard to believe but its true. We have completed our inspection and we look forward to our annual roadside rest fundraiser for the Diabetic Kids Camp. Granted, we are 3 months away from that but when we only meet once a month, it won’t take long to get there. In March, we will be foregoing most of our usual business to allow Chapter to practice for their upcoming inspection, however we do need to plan on when we can practice and portray the other two degrees for at least one candidate, Drew DeVore and we will see who else needs to finish out those two degrees also. We will be going over the parts next meeting and seeing when we can schedule practices and when we can portray the degrees. We do have the sign up sheets for the roadside rest so please see Illustrious Companion Rick Eakin to sign up. We are taking the sheets to upcoming Council Inspections to get volunteers from other Councils to help us out. Keep up the good work and we look forward to seeing you at our meetings. Fraternally, James Klausing, Illustrious Master, Findlay Council #50 Greetings Companions!
We are well on our way into this year. We have had some great meetings and have even held our annual inspection in the SEM degree. I want to thank everyone for the excellent degree work that evening and helping to continue the tradition of excellence for which Findlay York Rite is known. We passed our inspection with high marks from not only the inspecting officer, but also Illustrious Companion and Arch Inspector, George E. Moore. I also want to thank my Deputy Master, IB Linville Taggart for heading up the November and December meetings while I recover from surgery. I appreciate his help and the support of my fellow Companions. In November and December, we will be reading through the other two degrees. We are looking at having many candidates for York Rite this year so we need to be ready to give each candidate an excellent degree. We will also begin the planning for the annual Roadside Rest fundraiser over Memorial Day weekend. Let’s continue on and have a great year. Fraternally, James Klausing, Illustrious Master, Findlay Council #50 Greetings!
As the summer quickly winds down and we prepare for another year of Masonic Activity, it is my pleasure to update you all on the happenings of your Council. We will be meeting after Chapter on the first Tuesday’s of the month, as per usual. Again this year we will alternate with Chapter as to who provides the main dish for our carry-in dinners prior to the Chapter meetings. Our meals are usually around 6:30. We would love to see you all at the meetings. This year, our inspection degree will be the Super Excellent Master degree. Our inspection date is October 30th at 7 pm. We like to have this done early, as to avoid conflicts with other Masonic bodies inspections, etc. Findlay Council has a proud history of being one of the few councils able to field its own cast for the SEM degree. If you have portrayed one of the characters in the degree in previous years, we will be contacting you soon to set up practices so we can carry on the tradition of excellent degree work at Findlay. Our first meeting will be held on September 5, after the Chapter meeting. We would love to see you there. At this meeting we will be talking about setting up practices and committee assignments for the year as well as our annual agenda. Let’s have a great year! Fraternally, James Klausing, Illustrious Master, Findlay Council #50 Greetings Companions,
Your Council held its annual election of officers at the May stated meeting. I wish them and the Illustrious Master Elect the best of luck for the upcoming cryptic year. Also, I would like to thank the officers and companions for the hard work they have done over the course of the previous year. The paperwork for the Grand Master's award has been turned over to the Arch Inspector. Congratulations to all for a job well done! Our installation of officers will be at the June stated meeting. Here are our upcoming events for Council: May 26-29 Findlay Rest Area Fundraiser for the Diabetic Kids Camp in Findlay. July 11th Arch Reunion - School of Instruction 7:00 pm in Lima. August 20th Arch Picnic, TBA, St. Mary's Sept. 14-16 Grand Assembly Section, TBA, Dayton Finally, we had a successful York Festival this year, with several new companions joining our council. I wish everyone a safe and fun summer! Sincerely, Linnville Taggart Illustrious Master Greetings Companions,
I hope that all of you and your families had a wonderful Holiday season and a Happy New Year! The past Holiday season was an active time for your Council. On November 2nd, we had our annual inspection in the Super Excellent Master degree. The Companions and officers performed a first rate job and conferred the degree on three candidates. The Most Illustrious Grand Master Michael Terry was in attendance and he was impressed by the degree work presented by your Council. I wish to extend a heartfelt thanks to all those who made the inspection the success it was. Also, in December was the M.I.G.M. in Findlay. Thank you to all those who participated and attended the reception. The reception was a great success and everyone had a wonderful time. Furthermore, at the December meetings, the council voted to raise the annual dues. None of us wanted to do this, but, with per capita being raised to $18.00 per member, we had no choice. Our current dues is $25,00 per member , with per capita increasing to $18.00 per member, we are left at $7.00 per member. The Council has 103 members! We cannot survive on $721.00 a year. The dues increase will go into effect this upcoming annual meeting in June 2023. If you are having financial problems please contact the Council. Upcoming events: Jan. 4th Annual Awards Night with other bodies 6:30pm Feb. 25 Urbana Inspection SM 7:30pm Feb. 26 Franklin Dedication 2:00pm Piqua Mar. 6th Franklin Insp. SM 7:30pm Piqua Mar. 8th Deputy Masters Roll Out 6:30pm Saint Marys Remembering our Stated Meetings are the first Tuesday of the month following Chapter. We have a tureen dinner at 6:30pm. Please stop by and attend, your Council misses you. Fraternally Linville Taggart Findlay Council had its first stated meeting for the cryptic in September. The major issue at the meeting was the Council bylaws, in particular, the subject of annual dues. At the annual session of the Grand Council last year, legislation was passed to increase the per capita charged to the local Council. Per Capita will increase to $18.00 per member. Our current dues are $25.00 per member; with the per capita increase we will be left with $7.00 per member. Our Council currently has 103 members: This leaves our Council with $721.00 dollars left after paying the annual per capita to Grand Council. In light of this, the Companions voted at the September meeting to increase dues charged by Findlay Council. A letter detailing this and any other changes to the bylaws will be mailed to the membership. At the December meeting the Council will take a vote on this issue. Furthermore we have upcoming events scheduled for this fall:
1-Annual Council, Kalahari, Sandusky, Oct. 2-4 2-Findlay Council Inspection in SuperX Degree, Findlay Nov. 22 at 7:00pm, refreshments afterwards 3-Most Illustrious Grand Master’s Reception, Findlay, Hilton Garden Inn 5:30 social, 6:30pm dinner, Dec. 3rd 4-Awards Night, Findlay Masonic Bodies, Findlay Complex, 6:30pm Jan.4th 2023 In Conclusion, I hope all of you have a fun Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving, a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. Keep warm and stay safe. Fraternally, Linville Taggart Illustrious Master Greetings Companions:
By the time you read this our Annual Installation will have taken place on June 7. Our officers line was installed by our Deputy Grand Master, Right Illustrious Mike Terry. On behalf of Findlay Council I would like to extend thanks to him and everyone else who assisted in the implementation of a successful installation. Also, I extend thanks to my predecessor for having a successful and productive year in Findlay. In regards to upcoming events this summer/Fall. 1.There will be no Diabetic Kids camp this summer. Hopefully next summer COVID will be in the past and there will be a camp. 2.July 12th, (Tues.) 2nd Arch Reunion and School of Instruction at Kenton Council 7pm. 3.October 2-4, 2022 (Sun-Tue), Ohio Council and Assembly at Kalahari, Sandusky, Ohio. 4.November 22, 2022 (Tues) Findlay Council’s Inspection in the SuperX Degree (7pm). Refreshments afterwards. 5.December 3, 2022 (Fri.), Council Reception for next elected Most Illustrious Grand Master at Findlay, Ohio. (Details TBA) Furthermore, the Arch picnic scheduled at Saint Mary’s has been postponed and will be rescheduled. In conclusion, Companions our next stated meeting will be Tuesday 1st immediately after Chapter. As, always there is a tureen dinner at 6:30pm before the meeting. The door is always open and the companions and I would be happy to visit with you. Have a safe summer! Fraternally Linville Taggart Dear Companion IMs and Recorders of the 2nd Arch,
Please note that due to illness, the currently-scheduled Super Excellent Master (SEM) Degree at Findlay #50 (Findlay, Ohio) currently-scheduled for TOMORROW (Tuesday, May 24, 2022 at 7:00 P.M.) has been postponed due to illness. No further arrangements have been made yet regarding the rescheduling/makeup. When we work out these details, I will forward info regarding the same. Thank you. Everyone stay safe and healthy, and have a great week! George E. Moore 2nd Arch Inspector Greetings Companions:
By the time you read this our Annual Inspection will have taken place on March 29. I thank all of our officers, appointees, and Companions who were able to assist. There are a couple of schedule changes to announce. Our portrayal of the Super-Excellent has been moved from April to May 24 at 7:00pm. Within the 2nd Arch, the CELL Al l–Day Course scheduled for May 7 is postponed to a date to be determined. Our Annual Meeting and election of officers will be May 3rd and installation will be June 7th, both being our regular meeting nights. The Northwest Ohio York Rite Festival will resume this year May 14. Chapter and Council degrees will be portrayed along with the Knights Templar orders. Our own Illustrious Companion Ken Chamberlain is the class Namesake this year... a well deserved honor Ken! We have received permission from ODOT to have a fund-raising effort at the 1-75 northbound rest area that is south of Findlay over Memorial Day Weekend. All donations from coffee, soft drinks, and snacks will benefit the Grand Council Diabetic Kids Fund. We will be staffing reduced hours from past years, and will be mostly a Findlay Council effort, partially due to the next event... read on! The 2nd Arch is sponsoring an Arch-wide fundraiser for the Diabetic Kids Fund on Saturday June 4 at the Celina Moose Lodge 5:00pm to 10:00pm. This will have food, fun, and great fellowship. Open to the public too! Let’s really support this effort. July 12 will be an Arch Reunion and School of Instruction at Kenton #65 at 7:00pm. The Summer Arch picnic will be Saturday July 30 at St. Marys at 4:00pm (note new date). The 2nd Arch will be in Findlay with the honor of hosting the Grand Reception for the Most Illustrious Grand Master of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masons of Ohio, 2nd Arch’s own Mike Terry. The reception will be December 3, 2022 in Findlay. Details forthcoming. I wish to thank this year’s officers and Companions who helped me in a multitude of ways through the year. It was an honor to serve Findlay Council #50. We look forward to seeing our Council Companions at these upcoming events! Fraternally Rick Eakin Illustrious Master |
24-25 OfficersIM: Jim Klausing Archives
June 2024
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