Findlay Masonic Bodies |
Greetings Companions:
By the time you read this our Annual Inspection will have taken place on March 29. I thank all of our officers, appointees, and Companions who were able to assist. There are a couple of schedule changes to announce. Our portrayal of the Super-Excellent has been moved from April to May 24 at 7:00pm. Within the 2nd Arch, the CELL Al l–Day Course scheduled for May 7 is postponed to a date to be determined. Our Annual Meeting and election of officers will be May 3rd and installation will be June 7th, both being our regular meeting nights. The Northwest Ohio York Rite Festival will resume this year May 14. Chapter and Council degrees will be portrayed along with the Knights Templar orders. Our own Illustrious Companion Ken Chamberlain is the class Namesake this year... a well deserved honor Ken! We have received permission from ODOT to have a fund-raising effort at the 1-75 northbound rest area that is south of Findlay over Memorial Day Weekend. All donations from coffee, soft drinks, and snacks will benefit the Grand Council Diabetic Kids Fund. We will be staffing reduced hours from past years, and will be mostly a Findlay Council effort, partially due to the next event... read on! The 2nd Arch is sponsoring an Arch-wide fundraiser for the Diabetic Kids Fund on Saturday June 4 at the Celina Moose Lodge 5:00pm to 10:00pm. This will have food, fun, and great fellowship. Open to the public too! Let’s really support this effort. July 12 will be an Arch Reunion and School of Instruction at Kenton #65 at 7:00pm. The Summer Arch picnic will be Saturday July 30 at St. Marys at 4:00pm (note new date). The 2nd Arch will be in Findlay with the honor of hosting the Grand Reception for the Most Illustrious Grand Master of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masons of Ohio, 2nd Arch’s own Mike Terry. The reception will be December 3, 2022 in Findlay. Details forthcoming. I wish to thank this year’s officers and Companions who helped me in a multitude of ways through the year. It was an honor to serve Findlay Council #50. We look forward to seeing our Council Companions at these upcoming events! Fraternally Rick Eakin Illustrious Master Greetings Companions:
Let us all pray that 2022 is a safe and successful year for us all. Many questions are still “in the air”... we will do our best to persevere and have a good Cryptic year. We will meet Tuesday Jan 4, Feb 1, and March 1 immediately following Chapter. Carry in dinner 6:40pm. Inspection season is upon us: 1/20/22 Lima #20 at 7:30 pm in Royal Master; 1/25/22 Van Wert #73 at 7:30pm in Royal Master; 2/16/22 Urbana #59 7:30pm in Select Master; 3/8/22 Franklin #14 (Troy) at 7:30pm in Royal Master; 3/21/22 Logan #85 (Bellefontaine) at 7:30pm in Select Master; 3/31/22 Findlay #50 at 7:30pm in Royal Master. Our goal is to have at least three Companions at each inspection. Travelling is fun and rewarding! Let IM Eakin know if you’d like to travel/carpool. As always, confirm dates and times... they can change! We will have a few rehearsals before our inspection on March 31, and we will continue to have practices in April to prepare for the Super Excellent Master Degree which we will present April 26. We have begun initial preparations to have the Diabetic Kids Fund effort at 1-75 NB rest area south of Findlay over Memorial Day 2022. Our Annual Awards night will be 1/5/22 with Blue Lodge, Chapter, and Commandery to honor those who have attained certain service year steps. Have a safe and prosperous 2022. We look forward to Chapter/Council the first Tuesday of each month except July and August. Support Blue Lodge, and remember that breakfast is the first Saturday in our dining room. Fraternally Rick Eakin Illustrious Master Greetings Companions:
Our Cryptic year has begun and will be a busy one. Grand Council met in October 3-5 at Great Wolf Lodge in Mason, Ohio. Information from the session will be shared in November. Findlay #50 was pleased to provide a $100.00 restaurant gift card for a fund-raiser to support RIC Mike Terry in his year (if so elected) as Grand Illustrious Master in 2023. Mike is a member of Urbana Council in the Second Arch. Our own Tom DeFrieze is serving as Arch President this year. The Super Excellent Master degree will be portrayed by the “New South” Council of the 2nd Arch on November 18 @ Urbana 7p. We plan on carpooling to support our Arch Companions. Council inspections also begin with Matchett #91 (Greenville) on November 3 at 7:30 with the Royal Master degree. Our goal is to have at least 4 Companions from Findlay at each 2nd Arch inspection this year. On the local scene, we will meet on the first Tuesday each month. Carry-in dinner at 6:40; Chapter and Council meet starting at 7:30p. (October 5, November 2, December 7). Our Annual inspection will be March 31, 2022 in the Royal Master Degree. At 7:30p. Our portrayal of the Super-Excellent Master Degree will be April 2, 2022 at 7p. As has been our tradition, we will strive to have as many parts portrayed by Findlay Council members. We have speaking parts to cover, (including stage and costume crew) so there IS a way for you to be involved! The Northwest Ohio York Rite Festival is scheduled for Saturday May 14, 2022. It is always an honor to host one of the oldest and best York Rite Festivals in Ohio. I encourage you to revisit our Chapter and Council meetings if you’ve been way. We will welcome you! Fraternally Rick Eakin Greetings Companions:
I am honored to be your Illustrious Master for the coming year. This is a title steeped in history and is not to be taken literally. I’m not particularly “illustrious” , and I’m certainly no one’s “Master”. We all serve the same “Master”, and He is the Creator of All. I am grateful for these Companions who have consented to be your elected officers for 21-22: Illustrious Master-Rick Eakin; Deputy Master–Tom DeFrieze; Principal Conductor of the Work-John Sponsler; Treasurer–Tim Roth; Recorder-Dave Roth; Captain of the Guard-Tom DeFrieze; Conductor of Council-Steve Horton; Steward-Hugh Boland; Chaplain-Jason Pontious. As we close out a very dysfunctional year, we eagerly look forward to a more "normal" Cryptic year. What will this look like? In short we will: Portray all three degrees (Royal Master, Select Master, Super-Excellent Master); Fill vacancies in our cast lists with Findlay Companions; Visit Inspections within our Arch; attend and support 2nd Arch events; Support the Diabetic Kids Fund in a visible manner; Have a successful annual inspection; Host at least one social event open to all Findlay Masonic members and families; Support Blue Lodge, Chapter, and Commandery. All Companions will be receiving a direct mail letter later this summer with all the important dates for the year, including instructions for setting up a Grandview account online ( then click “member portal” then “sign up). If you would like to receive information via “Dial My Calls”, register here If it’s been a while since you’ve attended a Council meeting, please do this year. (We promise to NOT put you in a pro-tem spot unless you would like to). Enjoy your summer! I look forward to seeing you September 7th. Fraternally, Rick Eakin Illustrious Master Greetings Companions:
We are nearing the end of a very unusual Cryptic year indeed. We will meet on Tuesday April 6 at our regular day and time. Congratulations to Findlay Chapter #58 for a fine inspection at our meeting time in March. Council will not be inspected on any degree or the Super-Excellent Master degree during this year. We will have our election of officers at the May meeting, and the installation of new officers at the June meeting. The Northwest Ohio York Rite Festival committee will meet via zoom April 11 to discuss whether to have the Festival in August this year. The Second Arch will not be working this Memorial Day weekend at the I-75 rest stop to raise funds for the Diabetic Kids Fund and the camp we sponsor each year. Each Council will decide how to raise funds for this worthwhile purpose. In closing our final newsletter of this Cryptic year, I wish to thank each Companion for persevering through such an atypical year. Please re-activate as conditions improve. We have beautiful degrees to present to new members and there’s a place for each of us! Please attend on April 6, May 4, and June 1. Fraternally Rick Eakin Illustrious Master Greetings Companions:
We often look forward to a new year as a way to escape the tribulations of the previous year. While we may wish for this, we know that reality is usually different. The COVID issues will not be going away at the turn of the calendar. Our Grand Council has already cancelled the traditional Super-Excellent Master inspection and the annual inspection of constituent Councils in the State. This year inspection will be of paperwork only: information from the Illustrious Master, Recorder, and Treasurer. We would be remiss to ignore our ritualistic degrees. This lull is a perfect time to read and reread various portions of the work in a stress-free manner. The stories are timeless in their message, and may be even more useful as we navigate the challenges of the day. It would be terrific if the Northwest Ohio York Rite Festival could resume this spring or fall – Let’s be ready to pitch in if luck is on our side. We would be wise to discuss potential alternative fundraising ideas for the Diabetic Kids Camp in case ODOT does not allow groups to host coffee breaks at interstate rest areas this spring. The need for funds will continue, even if the camp has to wait one more summer to resume. In closing, let’s all see to it that we do not drift apart. Zoom meetings are a safe way for us to “meet”, discuss some business, and share with each other. We will eventually be able to meet in person... until that time let’s all do what we can! Fraternally Rick Eakin Illustrious Master Most Illustrious Companion Michael A. Smith has just issued Edict 2021-2 which (1) cancels all in-person meetings until December 31, 2020; and (2) cancels all Inspections and SEM Reviews for this Cryptic year (2020-2021).
All inspections will instead be paper inspections of your books. Office of the Right Eminent Grand Commander Dear Companions:
The 2020-21 Cryptic year is upon us, in spite of the Grand Council session as a virtual meeting in the midst of all that has been, and may be in the future, we have the assurance of being in the everlasting care of the Great Architect of the Universe. As long as we practice our profession as Masons, we will not be alone or forsaken. Council had its election of officers in September and will conduct the installation of officers at our October 6th meeting. The companions who have been elected to serve our Council are: Rick Eakin Illustrious Master; Steve Roth Deputy Master; John Sponsler Principal Conductor of the Work; Tom DeFrieze Captain of the Guard; Steve Horton Conductor of Council; Tim Roth Treasurer; Dave Roth Recorder; Jason Pontious Chaplain; Chuck Insley Steward; Bob Grandbois Guard. We are planning a “typical” Cryptic year in spite of the uncertainty of future conditions. The Super Excellent Master degree scheduled for Friday, November 20th, as been postponed until a later date. Our annual inspection will be Friday April 23 2021 in the Select Master Degree. We will have a rehearsal schedule in March and April to prepare. With the cancellation of the Diabetic Kids Camp fundraising at the I-75 rest area over Memorial Day weekend and cancellation of the DKC at Camp Wesley, there likely will be discussion at Arch and Council meetings about this year. We hope you will attend each first Tuesday of the month to assist with this very worthwhile task! Rick Eakin Illustrious Master Greetings Companions:
Where to begin? Due to the pandemic and the Grand Master edict , Council has been dark for the last several months. Unfortunately, the York Rite Festival, our annual inspection and other activities have been canceled due to the pandemic. Furtherrmore, the Memorial Day weekend roadside rest and the Diabetic Kids camp this summer have been canceled. Also, due to the grandmasters edict, we were not able to have our regularly scheduled election and installation of officers. We will be having election at our first meeting in September. Additionally, because of family issues I will not be able to be masonically active for the unseeable future. Thus a new Illustrious Master will need to be elected at the next meeting. I would like to thank the officers and companions for all the dedication and support they have extended to me over the last two years. I am truly thankful for all the help and advice you all have given me. Upcoming scheduled events as of now: 7/13/20 Arch Reunion Lima 7:00pm 8/13-20 Arch picnic Urbana 12:00 pm Fraternally Linville Taggart Greetings Companions:
I hope all of you are safe and healthy as we enter into the spring season. It is my hope and prayer that all of you and your families are in good health and safe from COVID-19. May the Great Architect of the Universe protect us all. As I write this article all council events and activities are scheduled as planned unless and informed otherwise by Grand Council our Cryptic calendar is as follows: April 4th, Delphos inspection at Saint Mary’s 9:00am, RM April 4th St. Mary’s inspection, 10:00am SM April 14rh Lima inspection 7:30pm, RM April 24th, Findlay inspection 7:30pm RM April 20th Kenton inspection 7:30pm SM April 29th North-Multi Council SuperX at Saint Mary’s 7:00pm May 9th Northwest Ohio York Rite Festival at Findlay 8:00am May 16th South-Multi SuperX at Troy 9:00am Regarding Findlay’s inspection on April 24th, the planned dinner beforehand at 6:00pm has been cancelled based on health concerns due to COVID-19. I have made this decision. Additionally, we currently have two candidates receiving their cryptic degree through council as the council of NW Ohio York Rite Festival. It is my hope that we will have several more candidates receive their degrees. Finally, we will be hosting the Memorial Day weekend roadside rest at northbound rest stop on I-75 just south of Findlay. This is our fundraiser to support the Diabetic Kids Camp. Please sign up for a four hour shift starting on Friday May 23rd. Shifts are 6pm to 10pm, 10pm- 2am, 2am-6am, 6am-10am, 10am-2pm, and 2pm-6pm. The final shift will be worked 2pm-6pm on Memorial Day. If you are interested in helping please call at 419-894-6448. Please help out in this most worthy and noble cause. Fraternally Linville Taggart |
24-25 OfficersIM: Jim Klausing Archives
September 2024
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