Findlay Masonic Bodies |
Happy Fall, Sisters and Brothers, we are going to have a busy year coming up. Get your "running shoes" on.
Several of our Chapter members prepared a meal and delivered it to the Hope House residents on August 26th., which had been arranged by our Junior Past Matron, Kathy. We enjoyed sharing the meal and visiting with the residents and the children. We all agreed that we should do this again, So, I will work that into our schedule when possible. Our Chapter Installation will be October 8th, during our regular meeting night. Please come and support your 2025 Officers. If you would like to come to our meetings, but would rather not drive at night, please give me a call at 4l9-421-6088 and I will be willing to come for you. We really need to see you here. At our November meeting, I would like to have everyone share something that they are thankful for during the 'Good for the Order' portion of the meeting agenda. For the December 10th meeting, please wear your favorite Christmas sweater. On December l4th, I would like our members to go Christmas Caroling, starting at the Van Crest Assisted Living Center to serenade our member, Judy Leibrick. Then we will proceed to Fox Run Nursing Home, where Inez Robinson is a resident; finally to Primrose Assisted Living where Darl Waltermire is a resident. After caroling, perhaps we can meet at a restaurant for an evening meal or just socialize over hot chocolate or coffee. I warmly invite all Masons and their family to join us in the Spirit of the Holiday. Our Worthy Grand Matron, Marla Barber, has requested all Chapters save aluminum pull-tabs, as this is one of her projects this year. The tabs will be turned in to the District Charities Director, who will in-turn give them to the Ronald McDonald House. (A company will melt the tabs down and donate the cash equivalent to the Ronald McDonald House.) I know the Masons collect the tabs for the Shriners, but perhaps, this year, the Order of the Eastern Star members could also save the tabs and give them to the Ronald McDonald House. Brothers and Sisters, Autumn is here, with all its beautiful colors, reminding us that the holidays will soon be upon us. Time marches on!!! Do have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas---- ever mindful of 'THE REASON FOR THE SEASON'! Star Love, Charlotte Ballard, Worthy Matron Steve Tong, Worthy Patron Hello Sisters and Brothers,
Findlay Chapter OES had our Annual Inspection on May 14th. I’m proud to say that the officers did beautiful ritual work. We had 50 in attendance, with visitors from Bryan, Toledo, Wauseon, Bowling Green, N. Baltimore, Rawson, Upper Sandusky, Fostoria, and Plain City. Distinguished guests included PGM Gail Walsh, PGM Carol Kaufman, Associate Grand Matron, Marla Barber, and Grand Sentinel Todd Evans. June 11- Annual Meeting with election of officers and reports from the Trustees and Audit Committee July 9- we will discuss providing a dinner for the residents at Hope House August 6- Rob Morris honor night- celebrating the birthday of the founder of OES with birthday cake and games. September 10- Initiation We would love to have join us for a meeting! Kathy Barrick, Worthy Matron Dick Barrick, Worthy Patron Hello Sisters and Brothers,
I hope you have had an easy winter and that signs of Spring are starting to appear by the time you receive this. Spring is going to be a busy time for Findlay Chapter OES. I hope members who have not been active in a while will come out and join us as we come back from our winter break. March 12- stated meeting. Our DGM, Sister Denise Zephier, will be in attendance and will give us a recap of the information shared at the Grand Officers EOP (Educational Opportunity). April 9- stated meeting. We will have a practice Initiation to prepare for Inspection in May. Sunday, April 14, 2pm. District 26 meeting. Bring snacks to share. We are having some entertainment, games, and we will be assembling the Birthday Baskets for Hope House. We are creating bags /baskets with items to help those living at Hope House to celebrate their children’s birthdays. Items include cake pans, cake mix, icing, birthday plates, napkins, candles, and perhaps decorations. May 14- stated meeting. Inspection by the DGM Denise Zephier. We would love to have Findlay Chapter members on the sidelines! Please come join us. June 11- stated meeting. Annual meeting and election of officers. Star love, Kathy Barrick, Worthy Matron ATTENTION MASONS: Please consider joining the Order of the Eastern Star. The Order shares the Masonic principles of Brotherly love, relief, and truth. Our Initiation instructs you in the 5 sublime virtues of the heroines of our Order. Our officers at Findlay Chapter take pride in doing their ritual work by memory. There is no returning of a proficiency exam, no coded ritual. Wives, daughters, basically any female relative of a Master Mason, may join the Order. This is a wonderful way for your loved one to get a better understanding of your Masonic work. We meet once a month on the 2nd Tuesday and are dark in January and February. Please contact me at [email protected] or call me at 419-306-4527. Hello Sisters and Brothers,
Findlay Chapter is off to a great start to the new term. Prior to our November meeting we had Laurie Poland, of the Hope House, speak with our members about the work they do at their shelter for homeless women and children. The Hope House has many programs to help the women learn life skills such as cooking, sewing, parenting skills, and money management, with the end goal of transitioning them into homes and apartments of their own. Hope House will be our main local charity this term. Our first project for Hope House will be collecting items to create Birthday Baskets containing items that can be used to celebrate the children’s birthdays. These will include cake mix, frosting, cake pan, plates/napkins, perhaps candles and decorations. We will assemble these baskets next spring, after our winter break. At our December meeting, we are sending Christmas cards to our shut-in members and celebrating Christmas with a Make It, Bake It, or Fake It Gift exchange. We are dark (not meeting) for the months of January and February. We hope to see you in the spring, at our March 12th meeting. Our theme this year is “America the Beautiful” and we hope you will stop, and take the time, to see the beauty that is around you, even in the smallest things. Star love, Kathy Barrick, Worthy Matron Dick Barrick, Worthy Patron Happy Fall Sisters and Brothers! Steve and I hope you had a wonderful Summer. It seems that time is going so quickly.
Rita Follas, President of our District Association has scheduled a District meeting on September 10th at 2:30 pm at the Rawson Chapter. Light refreshments will be served. Charlotte Ballard will be installed as the new President of the District. David Faulkner will receive his 50-year pin at our September meeting on the 12th and Gail Walsh will present a program on service dogs. Please come for these two important events and share in the enjoyment. Grand Chapter will be September 22-24. The installation of Worthy Gran Matron, Cheryl Maslowski, and Worthy Grand Patron, Harles Maynard, will take place Sunday, September 24th. October 1st is 'Meet the Deputy' at 2:00 pm at the Browning Masonic Home in Waterville. This is also known as the triple roundup #1, Introductions, installation, and information. Please come with your ritual, red book, and a 2023-24 calendar. Please wear casual dress, but no blue jeans. If you would like to carpool, just call Charlotte at 419-421-6088, I would be happy to have company to travel with. Our meeting on October 10th will be for the installation of your new Worthy Matron elect, Kathy Barrick, and Worth Patron elect, Richard Barrick. This will be a closed installation. Please come and support them and see the plans they have for our chapter in the coming year. October 14th is our educational opportunity at the Tiffin Masonic Temple, 181 South Washington St, Tiffin, from 9 am - 3 pm. I want to express my appreciation to our officers for the last four years that have served with me. You are all so wonderful and exemplified our work so beautifully. Your calls informing me that you would not be able to be at a meeting were always greatly appreciated as they allowed me to give a protem advance notice. Thank you so very much! Enjoy the Fall, with all of its beautiful colors. Perhaps you might even attend one of the many festivals available at this time of year. Do enjoy celebrating Thanksgiving in November with your family and friends. When you talk with a Mason, remind him that Eastern Star is the only fraternal organization that both he and his wife can attend together. Let's work on increasing our membership in the next year. Please remember to keep all our members in your prayers. Charlotte Ballard, Worthy Matron Steve Tong, Worthy Patron Dear Sisters and Brothers, your Worthy Patron and I hope you are enjoying the warmer weather and sunshine and the beautiful flowers of Spring.
You can be so proud of your officers as they exemplified the Initiatory Work during our Inspection. They all did a wonderful job. Your officers Initiated two new members in December, Julie and C. J. Huff. After the passing of our Treasurer, Jean Beck, C. J. was Installed as our new Treasurer. Julie will assume the office of Esther, filling that Station which is vacant at present. We are delighted to have these two new members and appreciate their willingness to accept the extra responsibilities of office. During our May Meeting, our Military Veterans were recognized and presented with a gift. We were honored to have a program presented by Retired Sargent Major Daniel Tussing who shared many of his experiences with us. Our June meeting will see the Election of Officers. If you are interested in being Worthy Matron for the year of 2024, please call me at 4l9-421-6088. All members will be happy to help in any way we can. Please remember that we continue to meet during the months of July and August. Please join us at our July meeting, as we honor David Faulkner when he is presented with his 50 Year Pin. Also, at our July Meeting we plan to have a program on the Grand Chapter Service Dogs . Please join Steve and me, in August, at Ralphies in Kenton, as my guests, as we say thank you for being our wonderful officers for the 2023 year. September brings Grand Chapter and Installation of new officers for the Grand Chapter of Ohio. Findlay Chapter will have its Installation of Officers at the regular meeting on the 12th of September. We know you will look forward to some of the special happenings in our Chapter and plan to attend. By the way, if you know a Mason, suggest he and his wife should join the Eastern Star. Tell him we meet the second Tuesday of the month, March through December. We do not meet during the months of January and February. Let’s all work to increase our membership. Please stay well, have a safe summer, and may “God be with you till we meet again” soon. Charlotte Ballard, Worthy Matron Steve Tong, Worthy Patron HAPPY NEW YEAR, Sisters and Brothers. What a wonderful way to start the new year off with two new members. You would have been so proud of your officers as they exemplified the initiatory work. Julie and CJ Huff were initiated at our December meeting. Jim Buckingham made a beautiful presentation when he presented Julie with The Holy Bible which she held at the Altar. CJ was presented with the Eastern Star Book of Symbolism. All members gathered around the Altar after the meeting closed and the Worthy Patron led us in repeating our Obligation.
We are not meeting during the months of January and February. However, I will try again this year in February to have a “fun” day, to just play games, socialize, and eat. When we meet in March, we will have an initiation practice to get ready for our inspection by our Worthy Grand Patron, Rick Miller, April 25th. Our Worthy Grand Matron has asked the Chapters to celebrate our blessings this year this Easter Season with those less fortunate, by providing items listed below. Please bring your items to the March meeting. If you know a Military family, or someone who is anyway struggling this year, please let me know. This would be another wonderful way of getting the Eastern Star name out and being willing helpers in the service of humanity. Thank you so much in advance for your generosity. Suggested items for the Easter basket are: Box of cereal, Package of Rice, Peanut butter, Package of Oatmeal, Stuffing Mix, Package of Pasta, Macaroni and cheese, Chicken Noodle Soup, Canned fruit, Tomato Soup, Canned Tomatoes, Can of corn, Canned Tuna, Chicken, or Beef, Can of Mixed Vegetables, Dessert Mix, Can of carrots, Can green beans, jar of applesauce, Canned beans, Box Crackers. Our Chapter Achievement Program is a different approach to the original Chapter Excellence Program. We will be participating in the Achievement Program, which runs from June 1, 2022, to May 31, 2023. There are three levels of achievement and four Sections to receive points. I will be busy reviewing those points going back to June 2022, to add those points up. I will talk more about the Sections at our March Meeting. Darl Waltermire has moved to Primrose Senior Living at 8580 Twp. Rd. 237, Findlay and would welcome cards and/or visitors. Dear Sisters and Brothers, please keep all our members in your prayers as always. Stay healthy and safe. See you on March 14th 2023. Charlotte Ballard, Worthy Matron Steve Tong, Worthy Patron Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Happy Fall. Steve and I hope you had a wonderful Summer. The next three months are going to be very busy for Eastern Star Officers. Please join us for an Open Installation of your 2022-2023 Officers on October 25th, Marla Barber, Grand Conductress, will be our Installing Officer. Our theme this year is ‘Celebration’, the 40th year of our Complex. Each month we will recognize a different Celebration. Do come and participate in each of the celebrations. In November, we will hold a regular meeting, at 7:30pm, at which time we will celebrate ‘Thanksgiving’. As we recall the many Blessings that God has provided, let us be very thankful. During our December meeting, the Officers will be initiating a married couple. Be sure to attend and support our Officers as they exemplify the beautiful work of the Order, as well as welcome our two new members. We will also celebrate Christmas at this meeting as we recall that “Jesus Is The Reason for the Season”. Stay well and safe as we journey through the Holiday Seasons and keep our members, who are not able to be with us physically, in your thoughts and prayers. We know that each of them would enjoy a card to show our members are thinking of them. God’s Blessing on all of you. Charlotte Ballard, Worthy Matron Steve Tong, Worthy Patron Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Steve and I hope you are enjoying your summer. Please remember we continue to meet in the months of July and August and would appreciate your support at our meetings. The meeting of June was highlighted by the Election of Officers and a tribute to our American Flag. We have a full core of officers for the year 2023. Steve and I are very thankful to everyone who said yes when asked. This appears to be and exciting year for our Complex as it will be forty years since it was built. There is a committee working on celebrations for the building next year. Stay tuned for more information on the coming events. As your Worthy Matron elect, my theme will be Celebration; each month will be a new celebration. Do I have your curiosity sparked? Come and see for yourself what will take place. During our July 12th meeting the Chapter will give Elaine Hoover her “50 year pin”. What a remarkable milestone. Congratulations, Elaine. Our State Meeting will be held on August 10th, at the Crown Plaza in Columbus. At this meeting we will learn the plans of our Associate Grand Matron and Associate Grand Patron. It is always very interesting information they relay to us. Scott has so kindly opened his home for a picnic on Sunday September 11th. This is open to the whole Chapter and their family members. Anyone interested in joining Eastern Star will be invited. Let's get the invitations out to friends and family to peak their interest and show them what Eastern Star is all about. We are not only charity-oriented, we also have good fellowship throughout the year. Please continue to keep all members in your prayers so that they may enjoy good health and safe travels. Dues are due. $20.00 payable to Findlay Chapter No. 23 OES. Mail to: Barbara Pace 316 Edinborough Drive Findlay, OH 45840 Charlotte Ballard, Worthy Matron Steve Tong, Worthy Patron Dear Sisters and Brothers, welcome to Spring
The long winter is finally over and it is so much fun to see the flowers popping up and watching them bloom in their beautiful colors. At our stated meeting on April 12th we will have a practice Initiation. We will also be honoring the Station of Martha. Any Sister who has held that Station is invited to come and be recognized. We will have a special meeting April 26th for our Inspection Please come and support our officers as they exemplify the Ritualistic Work. You will be so proud to be a part of our Chapter. They all do a superior job in performing their parts. Our Chapter will be honoring the recipients who will receive their 25 and 50 year pins in May. We will also honor the Station of Electa. Just a reminder that June is our Election of Officers month. Many of our Chapter members have experienced illness or death this year. Please keep all our members in your prayers and give them extra support. I know our members in nursing facilities, or those who are unable to attend our meetings for health reasons, would appreciate a card or phone call. The purpose of Eastern Star is to care for our Sisters and Brothers. Please take an extra minute and check on them. We hope to see you April 12th. Charlotte Ballard, Worthy Matron Steve Tong, Worthy Patron |
OfficersWM: Brenda Boster Archives
September 2024
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