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January starts a new year 2018, and as always, a clean slate. We will be having our installation of officers on January 10th. The Knights Templar will be having their Inspection on the Saturday the January 20th, so we will be providing a tea table. I am hoping to have another luncheon for all Knights Templar wives.
We are the wives, Sisters, Daughters, Mothers and Granddaughters of Knight Templars. If you wish to join Beauceant, contact one of our members. Meetings for 2018: January 10th Pot Luck Dinner 6:15pm-Installation of Officers 7:30pm KT provides the meat. January 24th Round Table Meeting 7:30pm February 14th Pot Luck Dinner 6:15pm-Stated Meeting 7:30pm. Beauceant provides Meat February 28th Round Table Meeting March 14th Pot Luck Dinner 6:15pm-Stated Meeting 7:30pm. KT provides the meat March 28th Round Table Meeting 7:30pm Hope you all have a safe and Happy 2018! Barbie Roth Worthy President Comments are closed.
OfficersPres: Barbie Roth Archives
January 2022
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