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As hard as it may seem, summer is over and your Commandery is ready to start another year.
The drill team has been practicing every Monday evening during the summer in preparation for the drill competition at Grand Commandery October 8th. I’d Like to see a good turnout of Findlay Sir Knights at the Grand Session on October 7th. If you cannot attend the Grand Session on Friday, please come up Saturday October 8th to support our drill team and have fun watching the competitions and visiting other Ohio Sir Knights! Kalahari Resort and Convention Center 7000 Kalahari Drive, Sandusky, Ohio 44870. Sir Knights, as I mentioned in the summer newsletter, your Commandery meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday, with a family potluck dinner before the 1st meeting starting at 6:30pm. The meetings start at 7:30 pm. All Sir Knights are encouraged to attend each and every meeting. Only the officers are required to wear their uniforms at the 2nd monthly meeting. Some dates to remember for October thru December: Meeting Dates: Oct 12th, Oct 26th, Nov 9th, Nov 23rd (also Thanksgiving Eve), Dec 14th, and Dec 28th. Grand Commandery October 7th and 8th Kalahari Oct. 29th, Reception for the Rt. Eminent Commander Dale Olsen - Radisson Dayton, 33 E. 5th St Dayton, Ohio 45402 Practice dates for the Inspection on February 11th 2023 will be announced later. December 3rd Reception for MI Companion Michael Terry Grand Council, NW Div. to post Colors Hilton Garden Inn in Findlay Ohio. Sir Knights, the inspection for Findlay Commandery is Saturday, Feb. 11th 2023. Please keep this date available and try to attend your inspection (with or without a uniform). Our Inspection will be in the Full Form Order of the Temple. We will be starting at 2pm with the Full Form opening, then move on to the Order of the Temple, which will be followed by the Banquet. Our Inspecting Officer will be the Deputy Grand Commander for Ohio, Sir Knight Richard Gannon accompanied by His Lady Debbie. I look forward to a good Commandery year. We have a few new Knights in the officers line, but we are still looking for a sir knight to Volunteer for Senior Warden. In the previous Newsletter I mentioned that I want you Sir Knights and Our Commandery to live out our Motto “feed the hungry, cloth the naked, inculcate the what duties of charity and Hospitality”. What I would like are ideas on how we can do this; i.e. Soup kitchen, collect supplies for food pantry, donations... Please think and pray on this and bring your ideas to myself or one of the Commandery officers. IN HOC SIGNO VINCES; By this sign thou shalt conquer. By remembering this Motto we will conquer and have a great year. Please support your Commandery. “WE NEED YOU” ‘Every Christian Mason should be a Knights Templar’ Your Sixth Time Eminent Commander, Steve Roth Comments are closed.
OfficersEC: Tom DeFrieze Archives
June 2024
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