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Greetings Sir Knights,
By the time you receive this newsletter, the officers of your Commandery will be installed for 2018-19 Commandery year. I’m honored to be elected and installed the Eminent Commander and will do my best to maintain the traditions of our Commandery. Keeping with tradition, I would like to continue to have a tureen dinner and business meeting on the 1st meeting of the month, the 2nd Wednesday with degree work or an educational program on the 2nd meeting of the month the 4th Wednesday. Our dill team has started practicing for the upcoming competitive drill seasons with two events this year. The first is August 18th at the 67th Triennial of Grand Encampment of the US in Indianapolis, IN. The 2nd event is October 20th at the Ohio Grand Commandery Annual Conclave. Anyone wishing to participate with the drill team can show up at the Complex on Sundays or Mondays at 6:30pm. Some upcoming events are: the 4th of July parade which the drill team is planning on attending and invite any knights to come participate, July 15th is the CTA picnic here in Findlay at 4pm and the CTA is supplying the meal: please call me with reservations, July 16th is another picnic with the beauceant at 5pm which is prior to drill practice, August 18-22 is the 67th Triennial of the Grand Encampment of the United States and information is on the Grand Encampment web page, September 12th is our first meeting of the year with dinner at 6:30pm and Lodge 7:30, October 18-20 is the Ohio Grand Commandery Annual Conclave in Columbus, Ohio and information is on their web page. Our past Emminent Commander SK Steve Roth would like to express his thanks for the help and support he has received the past several years. I’m looking forward to the new Commandery year and with the help and support from all Sir Knights of our Commandery it will be a fine year. Thank you, Tom DeFrieze Comments are closed.
OfficersEC: Tom DeFrieze Archives
September 2024
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