Findlay Masonic Bodies |
Greetings Companions,
Spring has finally arrived and the freeze of winter is melting away. The officers and companions have been busy working hard to keep alive the wonderful degrees of capitular masonry. The festive bounds with Council before the meetings have been excellent with fellowship and mirth. This year we have been honored with visits by both the Grand High Priest and Grand King. Also our chapter inspection has been rescheduled to Saturday, May 5th at 10:00am. The inspection will be in the Past Master Degree with refreshments afterwards. Please attend and support your officers and Chapter. Saturday, May 12th is the Northwest Ohio York Rite Festival at Findlay. All York Rite Degrees and orders shall be conferred and the degrees will start at 8:30am. The Findlay York Rite Bodies are in need of candidates. Please, if you know a Master Mason who is not a York Rite Mason, recommend the York Rite to him. The York Rite Bodies are again planning to have another paint, repair and pizza party on June 22nd at 10:00am. Once again, we will inspect, repair and paint any of our degree props, furniture, etc. that is in need of love and affection. Afterward we will eat and have fellowship. Last year’s party accomplished a lot. Upcoming events: April 9th Inspection Carey 159, Royal Arch open 7:30pm refreshments after. April 14th Inspection Garfield 180, Mark Master, open 11:00am refreshments after. April 17th Inspection Scioto 119 Mark Master 7:30pm refreshments after, HOLY WEEK March 25th – April 1st.May 5th Findlay 58 Past Master open 10:00am refreshments after. May 12th Northwest Ohio York Rite Festival all York Degrees Findlay 8:30am. June 16th Grand Knights School at Findlay, coffee 8:00am. Session 9:00am. June 21st Spring District meeting and election of officers, East of Chicago, Upper Sandusky at 6:30pm. In closing, I am honored and humbled to have served this wonderful Chapter as High Priest again. My deepest and sincere thanks to the officers and companions for all the support they have provided this year. Thank You!!! Fraternally Linnville Taggart Excellent High Priest Comments are closed.
24-25 OfficersEHP: Jason Pontious Archives
September 2024
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