Findlay Masonic Bodies |
WOW! Fantastic things have been happening at the Lodge these past few weeks and summer will not be the lazy days that we have had in the past. We have had ballgames, blood drive, table lodges, picnics and now eight candidates.
We had no petitions the first seven months of this Masonic year, but then, seemingly all at once, we have eight candidates! The lodge will be very busy these next four months getting these candidates started on their Masonic journey and bringing them into the lodge as Brothers. We have already had one special meeting where the Past Masters put on the Entered Apprentice degree and initiated three of our candidates. But the craft has more work ahead. Looking back a little, we had a great time at the Mud Hens game where thirty of us piled into two limos and rode up to Toledo for a great Friday night game. Too bad they lost, but we all had fun. The comments I heard were positive and most said they would like to do more of these outings. Thank you, WB Buckingham, for putting this together. By the time you receive this newsletter, we will have had our table lodge, with a great meal prepared by our Stewards, Brothers Malhoit and Walters and overseen by our Warden, Brother Zechman. The lodge hosted its Red Cross Blood drive in as many years and it is hoped that it becomes a tradition. We also had our Fourth (third) of July picnic and watched the fireworks being shot off at the Fairgrounds. Another activity that has become a tradition. By this time also, I will be living in Kechi, KS. This, too, happened quite quickly and not exactly the way Beth and I had planned it. I am grateful to all the Brothers who have supported us in this move, and it is certainly with mixed emotions that we left Findlay and this lodge. As most of you know, we will be living fifteen minutes from our son, John, and two days closer to our grandchildren. We hope that with our move we are able to fill our lives with the joy of family. I have promised that I would be in lodge for election and installation in November, so I will be able to see many of you then. Our Senior Warden will be taking my place in the East, as provided for in the Grand Code and will be setting the craft labor getting our candidates and new Brothers started on their Masonic path. Don’t forget, we still have our Family Corn Roast coming up, so keep your “ears” open for more details. Have a great summer and I will see you in the Fall. Fraternally, Bill Wenner Worshipful Master Comments are closed.
OfficersWM: Al Centonze Archives
September 2024
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