Findlay Masonic Bodies |
My Brothers:
Happy New Year! I trust you enjoyed a meaningful Christmas holiday and that 2019 started well! It will be a very busy year for the Lodge! We have several new brothers moving through the degrees-a few special meetings will be needed for the Fellowcraft and Master Mason degrees for them. It is exciting to have so many candidates who are eager to join us. Congratulations to Worshipful Brother Eric Wilkins who was installed District Education Officer at our Dec. 5 meeting by RWB Keith Manbeck, District Advisor. DDGM Kevin Ridgeway, PDDGM Robert Newell, and DEO John McEntee were also in attendance. Also on Dec. 5, I had the honor of being present as Richard P. Barchent Jr. (33rd) was presented his 50-year pin and certificate from DDGM Kevin Ridgeway. Also attending was Worshipful Brother Jim J. Buckingham (33rd, PIGM Grand Council Royal and Select Masons of Ohio). Thank you, Richard, for your years of devoted service to Boy Scouts of America and Masonry. January meetings will be on the 2nd and 17th. You will notice a “take away” at the sign-in book, and a supply of Blue Lodge Petitions. Please take a petition and bring it back filled out for a new candidate! Our Annual inspection will be the Entered Apprentice degree on Monday, January 21 at 7:00pm. We expect to have a “live” candidate and would appreciate every Brother to attend. Many of you will be asked to serve on one of a variety of committees this year. The committees will have a specific item to study and provide recommendations to the Lodge. Most committees will only meet three times! The recommendations of these committees will be vital in charting our course forward. Upcoming events within the 10th Masonic District are: Jan. 3 Inspection Dunkirk @ Dunkirk EA 7pm Jan. 14 10th District Meeting @ Hamer (Wapakoneta) 7pm Jan. 17th Inspection Sager @ Harrod EA 7pm Jan. 21 Inspection Findlay @ Findlay EA 7pm Feb. 9 Inspection Senate @ Kenton MM 11am Feb. 9 Inspection Wayne @ Wapakoneta MM 4pm Feb. 20 Inspection Mercer @ St. Marys MM 7pm Feb. 21 Inspection Mt. Cory @ Mt. Cory FC 7:30pm Feb. 23 Reconsecration @ Mercer @ St. Marys Feb. 23 GRAND MASTER RECEPTION @ Celina Eagles Club 6pm $25.00 Mar. 4 Findlay Temple Association Annual Meeting @ Findlay Mar. 11 10th District Meeting Lima @ Lima 7pm Mar. 18 Inspection Lima @ Lima 7pm Mar. 20 Inspection Hope @ Delphos FC 7pm March 26 Inspection Hamer @ Wapakoneta FC 7:30pm Mar. 27 Latham @ Kenton MM 7pm Apr. 3 Annual Awards Night for all Findlay Masonic Bodies The Grand Master’s Reception on Feb. 23 is at Celina Eagles Club. This reception is jointly hosted by the 4th and 10th Districts. Please attend for a night of great food and better fellowship! Several awards and scholarships will be presented as well. See Senior Warden Casey Zechman for tickets. Everyone should attend the Annual Temple Association Meeting March 4, and the Annual Awards Ceremony April 3. In closing, I am honored to serve as Worshipful Master this year. I am surrounded by terrific officers and past masters who provide good counsel. Together with you, Brethren, we will continue our legacy of exemplary degree work; fraternal charity and care of our Brother Masons, their widows and children; and devoted practice of our Masonic principles every day. If you haven’t been to Lodge for a while, please come! You will receive a warm welcome. Fraternally, Rick Eakin Comments are closed.
OfficersWM: Al Centonze Archives
June 2024
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