Findlay Masonic Bodies |
Greetings from Findlay Assembly #173
We have just 1 to 2 active Rainbow Girls and their school schedules are so hectic that we have a difficult time getting together. With 2 members it is difficult to do a ritualistic meeting at this time, so we are meeting the 3rd Tuesday of every month . At these meetings, we are doing social activities and service projects with some 5 young girls that will hopefully someday join us as Rainbow Girls. These girls are 4-11. If you have a young girl this age group, who may be interested in joining us, please send them our way by either contacting myself or Georgia Durain. The Grand Worthy Advisor’s service project is raising money for Honor Flight, if you would like to help us with this project, you will find paper planes. The donation is $1.00 each. Please place your name on your plane and place money in the envelope. We appreciate your help and support with this project. PLEASE NOTE, the GWA will be using these as part of her decorations and would like them going a certain Way. There is an example for you. Thanks! In the months ahead, we look forward to doing some Spring Activities and service projects. In Rainbow Love and Service. Lori Anast (419) 722-1250 Findlay Assembly #173 [email protected] Georgia Durain (419) 957-1232 Gdurain
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