Findlay Masonic Bodies |
Greetings from Findlay Assembly #173 By the time you receive this newsletter we will have returned from our Ohio Grand Assembly held at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, June 29-July2 where we anticipate two of our girls being appointed to Grand Officers, to represent the State of Ohio. Look for that news in the next newsletter. On July 8th, we will hold our Installation of Officers for District 8 with Lima Assembly, here in Findlay at 11:00 am. Please join us, Ohio’s Grand Worthy Advisor, Katie Ricketts will be our Installing Officer. We will have light refreshments immediately following in the dining room and then a cookout and pool party at Mom Anast’s house afterwards. If you plan to come to the pool party, please RSVP the number attending by: emailing Mom Anast at [email protected] with the subject being pool party. This would be a perfect day for you to come and learn a little more about Rainbow. Do you know a young girl between the ages of 11 and 20? Please bring her and her family along, she would get to see a bit about what we are about and see the fun we have in Rainbow at the pool party. Hope to see many of you there! We do not hold formal meetings in July and August, but we do hold some casual fun activities. In the Fall, we will hold a Mixed Bag Fundraiser and some Bake Sales throughout the coming year. We are always looking for new members, Certainly, you know someone at church, a granddaughter, niece, cousin, or neighbor that you could talk to about Rainbow and what this beautiful organization does for young women. You may give them my name, number, and email. Thanks! Have a GREAT summer !! Lori Anast Mother Advisor